Posts Tagged ‘advertising’

Stefan Sagmeister and Jessica Walsh are the creative forces behind this campaign for Aizone, a Middle Eastern department store, that will be featured in newspapers, magazines, and billboards all over Lebanon. The pair are a NYC based design firm that “creates identities, commercials, websites, apps, films, books and objects for clients, audiences and ourselves.” Click […]

I first saw his work a few years ago and never tire of revisiting these images. Hugh Kretschmer is a Los Angeles native that grew up surrounded by artists and discovered photography at age 13. He specializes in photo-illustration, advertising and editorial photography and design.The majority of his projects are for commercial clients that include Evian, […]

I came across this today and no one seems to know if it’s a barbecue ad or not. I did find that there is a Vijay Sales, an electronics business, whichever the case, it is brilliant and cheap advertising.   pb Source